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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Been a longtime...

So its been a longtime since my last post. Life it seems has a way of reminding all of us, that while stilettos or flats can be our trade mark in fashion, being barefoot and shoeless is how we arrived in this world. In the last few months, I've had sexy stiletto days, boring flats days, and then barefoot unprotected days. I've had to face personal and physical crisis one after another. I've had to admit I don't know it all, and even when I do know better I let emotions make decisions my head knew was wrong from the start. But through it all, I was reminded and I've learned that life is not perfect, its not set in stone, and there are always going to be side streets, alley ways, and wrong turns... but eventually like any really well made pair stilettos or flat, you will find your way back and look damn good as you do!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

What a Month...

Wow, Its been awhile since my last blog. Life it seems wanted to make sure I know, its not a guarantee. In the month of February, had to deal with the possibility of breast cancer twice over and losing my dog of 8 years the night before my biopsy. To say the least, it was a very trying and emotional time for me. I've been given an all's clear on the breast biopsy, but the loss of my dog Storm is still very sore. See when I got Stormy when he was a pup, it was at a time I had to deal with the results of ending a 7 year relationship and all that went with it. Stormy was my rock, he help keep me grounded, and he also killed many snakes for me.
To lose him the night before I went in for my very first biopsy was traumatic and emotionally crippling all at once. During this time, I came to realise how important it is to do what you want to, should do, or need too in the moment it needs to be done. Because really, tomorrow may never come.

In this past month, my life was like barefoot walking on broken glass and rocks. Along the way my feet toughen up and soon I could talk thru the broken mess of my life to the soft grass. I'm now back in my oh so cute strappy sandals, hooker shoes, and ballet flats, and while they look great they are just a bit tight over the healed scars of this past month.

I for one welcome the pain of this reminder, so I do not forget the most important lesson I learned. Life its not ours forever, so we should live it to its fullest for as long as we are given life.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Lost a great friend today.

I'm very sad today, a great friend of over 8 years has passed away today. He helped me thru some very desperate times in my life, he was such a joy in my life. I feel very lost without my buddy, I'll miss you so very much babe.

Monday, February 1, 2010

New Year...

So it's been awhile since my last blog, sorry holidays and turning another year older kept me busy. Now its 2010, and sadly nothing has changed much. Maybe that's a good thing I guess, but somehow it doesn't feel that way. Lately I've been thinking of past decisions and whether they were right or not. Like when you see those to die for shoes the ones you know will make everything in your closet look fantastic, or so you say to explain away the huge price tag. That you know you can't afford, but they are just so damn adorable you just can't resist. Then few weeks down the road, they don't seem so perfect and now you are even more in debt and you ask your self why did I do this??? Regret, we all have them. Lately I can't seem to stop thinking of my regrets, and this I do not like. I'm for the most part a very optimistic person, who tends to look forward. I try to learn from my past mistakes, and then move onwards. Yet, these last few weeks, I can't seem to do this. This has me worried, I hate that I can't shake these thoughts of what if. What ifs are the most pointless, unproductive question there is. Because the fact is, its doesn't matter what could have happen. Its done, past, moved on, and so should I. For me today is more of a take off my shoes and walk barefoot for awhile, see if the feel of the grass will help me to move past, my past.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Death, Jimmy Choos, and Flats are cool

When I die, I want to be buried in these Jimmy Choos. I figure if I must roam the afterlife it should be in some really hot shoes. Hey... there is no guarantee that heaven has malls!
Just look at them, all sexy, daring, with a hint of badness! Death won't seem so bad, wearing something as gorgeous like these shoes.  Whenever I start to miss my old life,  I'll look down at these beauties and smile in happiness. Yes, I know this is quite a shallow view on death, but hey I'll be dead! I can be as shallow as I want!

On to what my last few days have been like... sadly neither yesterday nor today has been a stiletto kind of day. Both days have been pretty much a flats kind of day. Boring, tedious, repetitive, and oh so bland. At the same time I was exceedingly happy that neither of these days were a repeat of Monday. La, there is something to be said for boring and bland after all. Flats can be quite relaxing, comforting in that disaster hadn't struck! Like macaroni and cheese, soothing on those days when life makes you want to huddle up on the couch, with a throw wrapped around your legs watching really cheesy episodes of your fave daytime soaps. Flats can in their moments be as cool as the sexy as hell stiletto, because in their own way, they make use feel safe. And sometime in life that's more important than the rush of excitement we feel when experiencing the danger and seductive lure of a life lived in stilettos.
Now don't get me wrong if given a choice I am of the type of personality who will always choose the stiletto. Yeah, we're back to me being shallow. It's something you should accept of me, I'm very much a shallow person. Its why I fast so much, I'm hoping my suffering will balance my shallowness!

Lets see what other shallow endeavors I may find entertaing come tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I Hate Stupid People...

It's a pet peeve of mine, that individuals who are intentionally stupid suck. You know the ones I'm talking about, the one who have to take every single thing said and make into more than it is. The ones who can't separate their idiocracy from the actual content. Example... Apparently a soap site(soap operas) is offering for the amount of $30 you can have a soap star who has signed up for this to send you a message, and for $50 they will send you a video chat. Now Me personally, think this is a rip off. Notice I said me personally, yet there are others who for some reason think anyone who doesn't find this just the best thing ever, are now saying that anyone who buys into this is also crappy. Oh, and that paying to chat with a soap star is the samething as going to a Vegas show where a soap star is part of. I mean really, how stupid can you be!

Okay, rant over!

So, yesterday was neither a flats or stiletto day. It was in fact I broke the heel of my fave pair of sandals day. You know the kind of day where you really should have just called in sick, don't even bother to get out of bed, because you would most likely fall out and break you ankle.

Woke up late! Yeah, no surprise as I stayed up past 2 am. Went to dry my hair, blow dryer dies with half my hair to go. OMG.... running late, can't remember where I packed the NEW Blow Dryer. Okay forget hair, this is why they make clips anyway. Running out the door, realize OH I never locked my door last night. YAY ME! (insert eye roll)! Okay ran down to car, and look I left the window down in my car, now my leather seats are nice and wet with dew. Arrive late to work, and have wet stain on the back of skirt, from the dew in the car. See your day was awesome compare to mine, and all that happened, before 8am.

Thank the gods for Coffee!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

It's 1 am...

So... It's 1 am, just set up this blog site. Thinking maybe, I should have waited till I actually had time to get all the kinks worked out before I started this. Alarm goes off at 6:30 am, and I am so not a morning person.  But being me, I get an idea and I have to run with it.

And whats my idea you ask... why suddenly with my 37th birthday arriving within less than 12 days. I've come to the conclusion, there has got to be more to life than this.

This brings me to my question of flats or stilettos. See for me flats are the common, the take the trash out and pick up some gorcery shoes, nothing exciting. While stilettos, are dangerous, sexy, empowering, certainly not common.

Lets see if today will be a common or uncommon day,

Good Night then, and Good Morning.