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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I Hate Stupid People...

It's a pet peeve of mine, that individuals who are intentionally stupid suck. You know the ones I'm talking about, the one who have to take every single thing said and make into more than it is. The ones who can't separate their idiocracy from the actual content. Example... Apparently a soap site(soap operas) is offering for the amount of $30 you can have a soap star who has signed up for this to send you a message, and for $50 they will send you a video chat. Now Me personally, think this is a rip off. Notice I said me personally, yet there are others who for some reason think anyone who doesn't find this just the best thing ever, are now saying that anyone who buys into this is also crappy. Oh, and that paying to chat with a soap star is the samething as going to a Vegas show where a soap star is part of. I mean really, how stupid can you be!

Okay, rant over!

So, yesterday was neither a flats or stiletto day. It was in fact I broke the heel of my fave pair of sandals day. You know the kind of day where you really should have just called in sick, don't even bother to get out of bed, because you would most likely fall out and break you ankle.

Woke up late! Yeah, no surprise as I stayed up past 2 am. Went to dry my hair, blow dryer dies with half my hair to go. OMG.... running late, can't remember where I packed the NEW Blow Dryer. Okay forget hair, this is why they make clips anyway. Running out the door, realize OH I never locked my door last night. YAY ME! (insert eye roll)! Okay ran down to car, and look I left the window down in my car, now my leather seats are nice and wet with dew. Arrive late to work, and have wet stain on the back of skirt, from the dew in the car. See your day was awesome compare to mine, and all that happened, before 8am.

Thank the gods for Coffee!

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